Filipino Dessert Recipes Minatamis Na Saging #19

DISH IN DISH OUT - Minatamis na Saging is really a dessert dish wherein plantains (locally referred to as “saging na saba”) are sweetened by cooking inside a sweet mixture composed of water, brown sugar, salt, and vanilla extract.

Filipino Dessert Recipes Minatamis Na Saging

- Plantains: 4 (Saging Na Saba)
- Brown sugar: 3⁄4 Cup (12 tbs)
- Water: 1 1⁄2 Cup (24 tbs)
- Vanilla extract: 1 Teaspoon
- Salt: 1⁄4 Teaspoon

1. Heat a cooking pot and pour-in water then let boil.

2. Add brown sugar and stir until diluted.

3. Add salt and vanilla extract and mix well.

4. Put-in the plantains and adjust the heat to medium. Cover the cooking pot and simmer for 8 to 12 minutes or until the liquid thickens.

5. Turn-off heat and allow the plantains to cool.

6. Transfer to a serving plate and serve.

Tip: Adding crushed ice and evaporated milk will make you a serving of Saging con Hielo. This is a delicious Filipino Dessert popular during the summer.
