Filipino Dessert Recipes Pichi-Pichi #17

DISH IN DISH OUT - Pichi-Pichi is really a gelatinous dessert (this may also be eaten as an important mid-afternoon snack) made out of grated cassava and sugar. The concoction is positioned inside a mold and steamed until a sticky-gelatinous texture is formed. After steaming, this really is coated with grated coconut for additional flavor. It was eventually not until a couple of years back that I‘d been able to undertake Pichi-Pichi.

Filipino Dessert Recipes Pichi-Pichi

Normally ordered in your workplace on special occassions together with Pinoy Style Spaghetti and Pork Barbeque (these are generally grilled pork slices in skewers ). I liked it since the taste Isn‘t too sweet and it also fills me up fast. The price of this recipe won€™t hurt your wallets. To the business minded individuals, you are able to start a food business by selling Pichi-Pichi with another foods featured here in Panlasang Pinoy. Let€™s do not forget that it‘s good to fill our stomach but It‘ll even be better if our wallets are filled simultaneously.

- Cassava: 2 Cup (32 tbs), grated
- Sugar: 1 Cup (16 tbs)
- Coconut: 1 Cup (16 tbs), grated
- Water: 1⁄2 Teaspoon
- Buko pandan essence: 1⁄2 Teaspoon

1. In a mixing bowl, combine cassava, sugar, and water then mix thoroughly

2. Add lye water while continously stirring the mixture

3. Put-in the buko-pandan essence then mix again

4. Once the mixture is evenly distributed, pour in individual cup molds and place in a steamer

5. Steam the mixture for 45 minutes to 1 hour (or until the color turns translucent)

6. Allow the steamed pichi-pichi to cool down (at least 40 minutes to 1 hour ; you can even place it in the fridge after letting it cool down at least 15 minutes) then remove from the molds

7. Roll the each piece over the grated coconut

6. Place in a serving plate then serve.
