Filipino Dessert Recipes Buko Pandan #20

DISH IN DISH OUT - Buko Pandan is really a popular Filipino Dessert ; this really is made using young coconut and Screwpine leaves (locally referred to as “Pandan” ). Initially glance, this sumptuous dessert could be mistaken for Buko Salad due to the similarity in texture and dairy ingredients used. However, the green gelatin which contains the aroma and flavor from the Pandan gives the distinction.

Filipino Dessert Recipes Buko Pandan

- Young coconut meat: 1 1⁄2 Cup (24 tbs), cut into strips (Buko)
- Condensed milk: 5 Ounce
- Table cream/All purpose cream: 8 Ounce
- Powdered gelatin: 3 Ounce
- Water: 1 1⁄4 Cup (20 tbs)
- Coconut flavoring: 6 Drop (Buko Pandan Flavoring)
- Vanilla ice cream: 1 Cup (16 tbs) (2 Scoops)
- Tapioca pearls: 1⁄2 Cup (8 tbs), cooked (Small)

1. Combine water and powdered gelatin then stir using a spoon.

2. Add Buko Pandan flavoring then stir until everything is evenly distributed.

3. Heat a saucepan and pour-in the mixture. Bring to a boil while continuously stirring.

4. Turn off the heat and transfer the mixture to a mold. Allow the temperature to cool. The texture of the mixture should be firm once cooled. You may alsno place this iside the refrigerator for faster results (allow the temperature to go down before putting-in the refrigerator).

5. Combine condensed milk, table cream, tapioca pearls, and young coconut then mix well. Allow the texture to thicken by chilling in the refrigerator or freezer for a few hours.

6. Slice the firm gelatin into 1 inch cubes then combine with the condensed milk-cream-young coconut-tapioca mixture.

7. Transfer to individual serving platters or cups then top with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.
